Village Walk: The Grand Finale [Monday August 31, 2015]

You Are Invited to our last Village Walk of the Summer season!



Please join the organizers of “The Village Walk” and our community walkers in a discussion about physical activity in the North End of Winnipeg.

Monday August 31 2015


@ Ma Ma Wichi Itata Centre 445 King Street

Light Lunch will be provided

Call For Submissions: Tribe City Zine


We are creating an Indigenous themed magazine. We want to tell our stories in our own narrative, unfiltered. The magazine will be written, produced and distributed by volunteers. We would like for writers and artists to get a chance to submit quality work and to have a platform. Our first submission deadline is September 9. We are hoping to produce and launch our first issue at the bell tower(Our goal is 500 copies on October 2). At which point we will also launch a website/blog.

Submissions will be 500-700 words long. Feature stories can be up to 1500 words. We are asking for original content.

Submissions can be sent to

Things we will be looking for:

-Talent profiles- sports, authors, musicians, comedians, artists, producers etc.
-Current events
-Language/cultural revitalization
-Land based education
-Life experiences
-Environmental issues
-Systems (prison, education, CFS, etc)
-Health and well being

(feel free to submit anything that you feel like, whatever doesn’t make the zine will be added to the blog)

Bell Towers, Brain Storms, Water Wednesday and Village Walks

The movement is alive! AYO Leaders have been volunteering in the community to bring you some weekly opportunities to connect with community and engage with urban indigenous youth leadership in Winnipeg. Find below some of our upcoming opportunities we’d like to share with you! {these opportunities and more are available at}

ayo logo bw

Meet Me at the Bell Tower (Fridays)
This weekly community gathering happens Fridays at 6pm at Selkirk/Powers (470 Selkirk Ave) and is open to all people in Winnipeg and beyond who want to be a part of leading by example to create safe streets and strong families. #BellTowerFamily

Politix Brain Storms (Saturdays)
This weekly gathering of politically minded young people happens Saturdays at Neechi Commons (865 Main Street) and is open to young people 30ish and under who want to improve their political literacy through rigorous conversation and eating great food. #PolitixBS

Water Wednesday (Wednesdays in August)
Wednesdays in August, we’d like to invite our whole city to Memorial Park Fountain at 470 Selkirk Ave to take ACTION on Water related concerns. We would like people to know that 700,000 Winnipeggers daily benefit from water that comes from Shoal Lake 40, a community that cannot enjoy that same luxury. Please join us, starts at 6pm! #WaterWednesday

Village Walks (Mondays in August)
Every Monday in July/August at noon, at 445 King Street (Ma Mawi HQ), our team alongside many others in the village are going on “Village Walks” to exercise and increase knowledge of community resources. #WeAreTheVillage